Sunday, July 30, 2006


I headed out for a MEGA-brick and it went pretty well. Weather was a bit strange but I 'll take it over the hell-like temps of last week. I headed out with arm / knee warmers and a windvest because of the chill and ended up keeping them on for the duration of the ride. After taking awhile to warm-up I started heading for the hills at Hagg Lake. I wanted to make this a tough workout so the plan was to hit the hills on the bike / run and see if I could hang on.

The ride was pretty uneventful on the way out to Hagg but about a mile before the entrance of the park, I got passed by a paceline of 4-6 riders without nary a word. The guy in the back had the audacity to pass me on a Brand Spankin New BEAUTIFUL Cervelo P3C. I don't get the silent pass...what is wrong with people today....probably the over-trained grouch in me but would it kill people to say hello / wave?? I ended up passing them all as we climbed the first big hill into Hagg Lake as they slowed considerably and turned into the park halway up the hill while I continued chugging up the rest of the hill. I was feeling pretty good so ended up doing 3 turns around Hagg Lake (3 x 10 miles hills / rollies). After I turned out of the park, I hit some wind but it wasn't too bad and decided to head toward Bald Peak. I knew it was going to hurt and be a whole different ballgame climbing it at mile 80 vs. mile 10 into a ride but, again, wanted to go long and hurt.

Hurt I did

I hit a bad patch right before the climb (this point it was mile 81 into the ride) and not sure if the bad patch was just the climb hurting or if I was really not feeling it. In any case, the 4.5 mile climb to the top HURT....I felt like Landis on the day of his spectacular mega-bonk....luckily I never fell over but alot of standing / suffering on the slooooow climb. I was really glad to see the top of that mountain and once I refueled a bit and sucked down some hammergel, I came back to life. I ended up descending down Laurelwood and riding out the back toward Hagg Lake again. I was entertaining the thought of doing one more loop around the hilly lake but decided that I was already hitting some serious mileage so turned it around and hammered home. At this point about 6.25 hrs into the ride and the energy was good. I was able to push it all the way home and rolled in after 7.5 hours in the saddle.

After a quick change into some running gear, I headed out for my run. I was really curious on how it would go. Always nice to head out for a run after a looong bike because it will make any fueling mistakes that you made on the bike painfully evident real soon. I was very lucky in that I seemed to nail the nutrition on_this_ particular_ ride. I didn't have the typical bloated feel that I've suffered thru in several IM races where I was overly cautious about taking in calories (taking too many) and suffered with some stomach issues on the run. I really think the key is to come off the bike a little bit hungry/under-fueled so that you will actually be able to eat / fuel on the run.

After the typical 5 minute baby-step shuffle off the bike, I found my run legs and felt surprisingly good after such a long day. I ended up running 8 miles over an out and back course with headwind and a trip climbing up and over the "3 bitches" on the way back......the hills never seemed that bad before but after such a long day, those hills killed. I ended up averaging 8 min / miles so pretty happy with that...especially after such a long and hilly bike.

Brick Workout Stats
8:34:02 Total Time

130.4 Miles Total
17.4 MPH Ave
136 HR Ave

8.0 Miles
154 HR

I was planning a "longish" ride around 3.5-4 hrs and by the time I was ready to roll out I was VERY SURPRISED to find it pouring outside. Where in the hell did that rain come from!?!? I went upstairs threw on my waterproof jacket and started getting my cyclocross bike ready for the ride since it had fenders on it. Of course, right when I was getting ready to head out again, it stopped raining....aaarghhh!! I ended up grabbing my tri-bike and taking off the jacket and heading out....the roads were wet and I was getting sprayed but it sure beat riding the "rain-bike". The joy was short-lived though because, along with the friggen rain, I hit some serious wind. I mean serious as in pushing a gear into the wind while in your aero-bars at 14-15 mph wind.


After the long day in the saddle Saturday, I just didn't have the strength, mentally, to fight the wind all day so I cut it short and headed home. is really doing some strange things up here....

Bike Stats
2:48 Total Time
50.1 Miles
17.9 MPH Ave
123 HR Ave

Now it's time to absorb some of this fitness.....If only I had an extra month of training before IMC...where do the days go!?!

Breathe Deep


Friday, July 28, 2006

Forecast = Epic

The forecast for tomorrow is holding with cloudy and 75 degrees- it is just screaming epic workout so hopefully nothing gets in the way of me pulling some serious saddle time. I better get to bed here soon so I won't be thrashed from the get go!

Today was a pretty good day.....I had a nice swim at lunch and met Steven after work for some burgers and beers at the Roadhouse. Nice to relax and have a chat vs. trying to hang on to his wheel or maintain his run pace! ;-) He also gave me a sneak peak at his bike porn....looks like his 07 race season is lining up very nicely already.

After dinner, I was motivated to work off that mushroom burger, fries and beer so went for a rolling / hilly run. Hopefully it did the trick!

Workout Stats

Lunch Swim
59 minutes
3250 Yards
1 x 1500 Free
1 x 250 TI drills
1 x 1500 Free

7.6 Miles
150 HR Ave

No couch surfing this weekend- make your adventures happen!!


Slacker Updates

Yes, it's official- I am a blog slacker....I have good intentions everytime I update my blog but then one day rolls into the next and I fall off the map.....again.

Definitely a lot happening since my last update....

FLoyd Landis....what can I say....hopefully it gets sorted out and he is found innocent. The flip side would be horrible for cycling and the TDF....

Finally a reprieve from the "hell-like" heat also....the weekend temps may top out in the high 70's and I am planning to GO BIG....30 days out from IM Canada and all of a sudden this whole race has become frighteningly real for me. I have put together some solid training lately but there were periods in April / May / June where the training was pretty spotty. Whatever, I'll give it a go and if I blow up....then so be it!

Training updates

Lunch Run HOT
45:36 Total Time
37:58 (5 mile Tualatin Park Loop)
7:38 (1 mile on chip trail)
HR 150 Ave

Post-work Bike Stats
1:32 Total Time
29.5 Miles
19.3 MPH Ave
138 HR


Lunch Swim Stats
1 x 3000 Yrds Alternating Easy / Steady
52 minutes

I was dreading my long run all day for some reason....maybe the volume is taking its toll but I was not feeling the running love and made every excuse before I finally headed out the door at 7:30pm....of course my slacker ways had me out running until 10 friggen pm....the only consolation was that it was cooler out after 9pm. The hills in the last 30 minutes also SUCKED.
Thank you IPod for getting me through this long one....hopefully only a couple more long ones before the race

Run Stats
2:26 Total Time
18 Miles
152 HR Ave

Post-work Bike Stats
Legs were a bit beat after the long run so took it a bit easier on the bike which worked well with all the WIND tonight. One of the few rides up here where I actually had to do the white-knuckle death grip and wrestle the bike to keep it on the road.....high cadence spinning into the wind and hammering whenever i had the wind at my back....ended up going out a bit too far and was racing the last bit of sunlight home.....made it in at 9:05 pm....I really need to cut that shit out.....not good being out on the roads so late.......and dare I say it? was actually a bit chilly with the wind out there.....triple digit temps are overrated....hopefully we won't be seeing them again anytime soon

Bike Stats
2:15 Total Time
42.1 Miles
18.7 MPH Ave
127 HR Ave

FORECAST CALLS FOR EPIC RIDING THIS WEEKEND.....break yourself off a chunk!


Monday, July 24, 2006

Heat Training........SUCKS

After climbing for probably 20+ of the 65 mile ride on Saturday, I had a real hard time getting motivated to go for a long ride on Sunday. Ryoji was leaving that day, though, and we figured we should share one more brutal day in the saddle. We rolled out at 7:20 am and it was already 83 degrees and getting hotter by the minute. No cloud cover today just bright blue skies and nowhere to hide.

After all the climbing the day before, we decided to skip our usual Bald Peak climb to ride around the rolling farmlands before heading to Hagg Lake. We did try our hand at exploring some of the back roads before we hit Hagg but ran right into a STEEP climb and after getting to the top of that mother, we decided to lick our wounds and turn around for Hagg. By this point it was pretty darn hot. Not sure if we were going loopy from the heat but we decided to do two loops around Hagg Lake and the heat literally baked us on the climbs.

Highlights from Hagg Lake:

- Stopping at one of the restrooms to douse our jerseys with water only to have them baked dry within 10 minutes.
- Getting passed by a cyclist wearing baggy basketball shorts. This was on a climb and he obviously wasn't out for a long ride but just funny having him stick it to us on a climb. We were taking it easy and he was working to pass us so we let him have his victory. He then had to stand and hammer each subsequent climb to stay ahead of us....while we really weren't working at all. All this in 100 degree temps...we finally pulled over for a bathroom break because we didn't want to see him keel over.....why do people do that!?!

Once we left Hagg, it just got hotter and hotter...... Chris had described cycling during a hot day as "riding into a blow dryer" and we were definitely feeling it today. Still was able to push the last hour into the heat / wind so feel like the fitness is coming around. Of course, didn't do much for the rest of the day except for replenishing fluids and veggin out. Nothing like the heat to suck all of the motivation out of you.....glad that it looks like it is turning around here soon...temps are dropping FINALLY!!

Sunday *friggen hot* Bike Stats
101.3 Miles
5:45 Total Time
17.7 MPH Ave
127 HR Ave

Today was another hot one and it felt really good to get in a recovery swim INDOORS and avoid the heat. The legs were feeling it a bit after all that bike volume on the weekend.

Swim Stats
3000 Yards Total
54 Minutes
1 x 2000 Free
1 x 250 TI Drills
1 x 500 Free
1 x 250 TI Drills

Post-work, had plans of running but after doing a bunch of errands and still seeing the temp stuck at 94degrees, I decided to skip it.

I seriously hope you all aren't melting out there....and to the peeps on the left coast who are dealing with heat AND humidity....I must bow down....I don't know how you do it....seriously.


Saturday, July 22, 2006

Gorge Ride......Final

Mike how was the ride??

At the peak after a solid 1:20 of climbing...good tempo / effort, we flew by several people in the last 2-3 miles of the climb

Overall, the ride was great. BEAUTIFUL scenery, great friends and the heat wasn't really an issue. Got in around 6K of climbing so will definitely be moving a bit slow during the beginning of the ride tomorrow!

Bike Stats
65.7 Miles
15.9MPH Ave
133 HR Ave


Columbia Gorge Ride Cont'd

Ryoji climbing on the way back to Crown Point....notice how I got the porto-potty in the shot...that takes skill

Climbing....climbing....look at that scenery....

more climbing.....

Here's the turnoff to Larch Mountain....notice the sign...14 miles of SOLID Climbing to the top....also notice how my "friends" Steven and Ryoji waited for me.....we kept a pretty good tempo with the three of us working side by side.....great road with very minimal car traffic...we got passed by maybe 3-5 cars on the whole way up......

14+ miles of this all the way to the top...beautiful

Columbia Gorge Ride

Steven really outdid himself today in his "Cycling Tour Guide" role. We ended riding for 4 VERY scenic hours in the Columbia Gorge today. As planned, we rolled out really early and we were cycling by 7am.

I've never ridden in the Gorge but based on what Steven had told me, I brought the ole camera with me.....the Japanese blood in me....what can I say. Actually was pretty fun and I was able to practice my skills with the JRA (just riding along) shots....not too bad if I say so myself. Thank God I didn't go down or take anyone down in the process! ;-)

It actually wasn't too bad heat-wise, the majority of the ride was covered by a beautiful canopy of trees. aaaaah...the beauty of Oregon.....take a look

This shot was taken during a quick stop at Crown Point. We started down at sea level by the river so you can see we got a good dose of climbing to this point. We then descended back down to the river on our way to Multnomah Falls.

Steven pulling the train. This is on the descent from Crown Point to Multnomah Falls....empty roads, beautiful tree cover....doesn't get much better than this....

Me doing the tourist pose at Multnomah- we got here early before the crowds showed up. Quick stop to refill bottles then it was time to turn around and head back UP to Larch Mountain via Crown Point.

Steven and Ryoji...say cheeeeze.....I pulled the camera out of my pocket, hammered past them and was able to turnaround and get the shot without crashing....nice

To be continued in the next post......

Friday, July 21, 2006

Catching Up

I apologize for my lack of posting lately. Between training, catching the Tour, and work- I have been buried. The training has been going well. I currently have a couple friends visiting from Cali and one of them is a cyclist so we have spent the last week burying each other on the hills around my stuff.

Training Updates

Friday 7/14
1.5 Hr Bike Easy
25 Miles
121 HR

Saturday 7/15
6.75 Hr HILLY Bike
104.8 miles
15.5 MPH Ave
135 HR Ave

This ride was BRUTAL (note pedestrian ave speed) - it ended up being pretty ridiculous as we hit every hill in town and it just ended up being a climbing suffer-fest. All we could do in the end was laugh though.....a couple of 17-18% grades will do that to you. Nothing like a violent ascent to rip your legs off.

Bald Peak (climbed both sides)
Chehalem BRUTAL
Laurelwood BRUTAL (see pics)
Hagg Lake
Blooming Fern

My friend Ryoji claiming it- this is the bottom half of Laurelwood..STEEEEEEP

Me at the top of Laurelwood, post-climb. I made sure to wipe away the tears before the shot!

Sunday 7/16
4.5 Hr Bike
66.7 Miles
15.4 Ave Speed

Sunday was another climb-fest. We didn't go out as long but we hit some of the same climbs including the 17-18% Laurelwood, Bald Peak, Hagg Lake, and Blooming Fern. Ouch - nuff said

Monday 7/17
3000 Yrds
54 Minutes

1 Hr
7.4 Miles
149 HR

Tuesday 7/18
45 minutes
6 miles
152 HR

Bike Easy Spin
1.75 Hrs
28 Miles
115 HR

Wednesday 7/19
Run Long
18.4 Miles
154 HR Ave

Thursday 7/20
Run - HOT
40:46 Minutes
5 Miles
16:11 (2 miles)
16:15 (2 miles)
8:19 (1 mile)
152 HR

Bike- windy
felt ok considering all the volume and long run yesterday- felt good pushing into the wind
42.1 Miles
19.3 Ave Speed
129 HR Ave

Friday 7/21
53 Minutes
3000 Yards Total
1 x 2000 Free
1 x 250 TI drills
1 x 500 Free
1 x 250 TI drills
I was planning on doing 1 x 3000 but bonked near the end of the 2000. Note to self- eat lunch before working out!

We are right in the middle of a major heatwave up here. Driving home from work today, my temp gauge in the car was registering an outside temp of 105!! really sucks the motivation right out of you. I was planning on riding after work but decided against it since the hottest temps were right around 5pm.....Tomorrow should be a great day of riding thanks to Steven. He is going to drag us around the hills in the Columbia Gorge and we are leaving early to beat the HEAT.

Have a great weekend- be safe out there.


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Blah Blah Blaaaah

The days are flying by this week but happy to report that I'm still getting out there and getting my daily dose of endorphins.

Wednesday almost seemed like a carbon copy of Tuesday. It was 2:15 before I could surface for a breath but I decided I was going to get in a workout today rather skip it and kick myself about it later. It ended up being a short one one, but every second counts.

Wednesday Swim Stats
2500 Yards Total
44 Minutes
1 x 1000 Free
1 x 250 TI Drills
1 x 1250

Post work, I had a long run planned but definitely wasn't too motivated to get out there after a long day. Also, I had just ran a 20 miler on Saturday. I ended up getting it done but it was tough mentally. The legs went surprisingly well though. No, I don't typically do long runs 3 days apart but trying to get myself on the right schedule where I hit the long run mid-week and can focus on heavy cycling volume on the weekend.

I was spinning circles around some pretty desolate farmland up here and dodging the occasional car. I'm really glad I had my Ipod to keep me company......REALLY GLAD.

Wednesday Run Stats
2:28 Total Time
18.4 Miles Total
152 HR Ave

Today, had lunch plans so the big donut in the lunch workout category. I did get in a ride/run post-work though. I really need to work on getting out there earlier. I was rolling out at 7:10pm for my ride. A lot of wind out there so I made it a point to spin in an easier gear into the headwinds / false flats - rollies. I tried to keep it on the flats for the majority of the ride.

I really didn't want to push it after the long run the day before. The legs felt pretty good. I decided to get in a transition run off the bike and after an ugly start the legs came around. I put it on auto pilot and was able to reel off 7:30's for a solid 30 minutes....overall a nice workout. Hopefully my legs won't protest too much tomorrow!

Thursday Bike / Run
27.8 Miles
18.5 MPH Ave
133 HR

30 min
4 Miles
148 HR Ave

Keep the love alive peeps!


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Tomorrow Becomes Today.....

Where does the time go...seems like I blink and one day is already rolling into the next....

After crawling out the hole I dug myself into on Sunday, I felt surprisingly "ok" on monday...not great, but I didn't feel like doody either. I decided to re-acquaint myself with the pool. My love / hate relationship with the pool....*sigh*....I plan to start hitting some longer swims. I was reviewing some old training schedules from Coach KP and totally forgot I was actually doing 1.5 hr swim workouts 3 times a week in my ramp-up to Canada, years past...OOF!

I think the goal was to gain additional aerobic bennies without killing yourself on the bike / run. Also, to put in enough volume so I didn't feel any fatigue exiting the swim. It allowed me to split a 1:04 which is HUGE for a non-swimmer like me. Probably had a lot to do with the swim conditions in Canada....those lakes up there are like swimming pools....CLEAR and perfect for drafting.....oooh, but i digress....all that buildup for my measly 45 minute workout stats....

Monday Swim Stats
45 Minutes Total
2500 Yards:
5 x 500

Post work, decided to give my legs a test...alot of volume on the weekend but they were feeling much better and the mysterious pain in my left heel wasn't an issue. I'm sure I looked like crap but once I got my legs under me, it wasn't too bad.

Monday Run Stats
1 hour (rolling / hills)
7.4 Miles total
151 HR Ave

Today, I got tied up at work so was unable to get in a run at lunch

F$!#! F%$#@!! F#%$@!! Ok, not too happy about that....

Also, lolly-gagging, post work, had me rolling out for my bike at 6:40 pm....I was leaning toward doing a recovery type spin but my legs felt pretty fresh. Kept it aerobic but threw in multiple BIG gear intervals. False flats and into the wind with no complaints from the ole legs....nice ride. The only bummer was that I rode out a bit too far and ended up heading home as it started getting dark. Not completely dark but I didn't feel too comfortable out there. I was very glad when I finally hit home at 9pm.

Tuesday Bike Stats
2:17 Total Time
45.7 Miles Total
19.8 MPH Ave
141 HR Ave

Be careful out there...always ride defensively!!


Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sometimes You're The Hammer.....

and sometimes you're the nail. This weekend I was definitely the nail. My workouts kicked my sorry ass all up and down the 503. I guess that's how I roll....

On Friday, a co-worker and I started discussing how we both weren't feeling too great.....not bad enough to bail on work but just not 100%. Of course It didn't stop me from running at lunch....I figure just the blahs...what the hell, it's a nice day....go run!
The run was actually ok....a loop around the nature reserve and 1 loop around the campus.

Friday Run Stats
54:12 Total Time
7 miles total
38:35 - 5 miler
15:37 - 2 miler
156 HR Ave

Saturday, I had planned on going for a long run but when I finally rolled over, after going back and forth with the snooze button, it was 9:30am. I hate heading out on a long ride late. It just seems tougher mentally when you are rolling out at 10 / 11am vs. 7am. I switched up my training and figured I would hit my long run today and do a long bike early on Sunday....If I had a crystal ball, I would have went on the long bike, as planned.

It was already getting pretty warm so I decided to run in Forest Park. At least there you get to run under a beautiful canopy of trees that also keeps you out of the blaring sun for the majority of the run.. I started my run around 11:30 and was seriously doubtful regarding my planned 20 miler since I have been severely lacking in any runs over an hour lately. I did the 1/2 mary during Pac Crest but other then that, I have been rolling with runs typically in the 45 minute - hour range....not good. I got my ass kicked...what seemed easy, effort-wise, even uphill on the way out, sucked on the way back even with the gravity assist....also, the telltale heart rate drift as I started getting in the 2+ hr category. I think some of it had to do with the heat this day but I know my lack of long runs played a major part. Also, to add injury to left foot is acting up a bit in the heel....aaargh! I need to make sure and get some long ones under my belt in the next 4-5 weeks!

Since there are 1/4 mile pole markers along the route, I hit my mile splits...nice way to keep you motivated on a long goal was to run right around an 8 min long run pace or stay in low Z2 HR...this worked out but with the hills / heat / lack of long runs, my HR did creep into High Z2 / Low Z3 at the tail end on the hills.

Saturday Run Stats
Forest Park
20 miles
2:39:55 Total Time
164 HR Ave
Mile Splits:
1. 7:52 11. 8:11
2. 7:47 12. 7:56
3. 7:40 13. 8:05
4. 8:11 14. 8:43
5. 7:59 15. 8:01
6. 8:00 16. 7:35
7. 7:59 17. 8:15
8. 7:57 18. 7:58
9. 7:56 19. 8:07
10. 7:58 20. 7:37

I hit the trainer for a recovery spin in the evening....just rode the computrainer in ergo-mode with it in an easy gear at 125 Watts / high cadence

Saturday Bike – Recovery Spin
1 Hour
15.6 Miles
101 Cadence
125 Watts
122 HR

So for some friggen reason, I don't know why....I was WIRED Saturday night...couldn't sleep...I started reading "Lance Armstrong's War"...a pretty interesting read...and almost finished the whole book.....i did see the clock ticking over at 2:45am so things didn't look good for an early start on the bike.

I didn't get out on the bike until 11:30 *surprise!?!*....long day, wind, hills, heat, always hit bad patches during the long ones and this was no different although my bad patch lasted from mile 35-102! ;-) Seriously, I didn't feel great on the bike....the hills just seemed steeper today...probably due to the long run yesterday and a bit of dehydration...although I didn't realize it during the bike until I was near the end. I just got an overwhelming sense of thirst once I was done and couldn't get enough water in me. After ingesting what seemed like a gallon of water and also a protein / fruit shake, I weighed myself and was still down 2.5 pounds from my weight pre-ride. Not Good!! Hydrate People!! I Probably wasn't hydrated properly post-run yesterday and carried that into the bike today. Not a good thing when you are rolling out at 11:30 into a HOT day. For the hills, I hit Bald Peak, Hagg Lake and Blooming Fern road.....surprised I didn't fall over on the climbs I was going so slow...serious suck on my ave speed but figure these long ones are about time in the saddle.....

*Next week, I am going long.....and it is on!!*

Sunday Bike Stats
102.8 Miles
6.0 Hours Total Time
17.1 MPH Ave
136 HR Ave

I hope you all had a great weekend!


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Hump Day

It's feeling like a Monday but thank God it's Wednesday. I felt "off" the whole day today....I can seriously get used to these 4 day weekends. I'm looking forward to hitting my last serious block of training for IM Canada. I'm not sure what I can pull out of the hat here in the next 6-7 weeks but figure I am going to spend a ton of time going long. Having said that, I didn't do too much in the last couple of days. Yesterday I didn't get a chance to get on the bike until 5:30 pm which limited my saddle time but I was still able to salvage a decent ride.

Tuesday Bike Stats
2:34 Total Time
49.5 Miles
19.4 MPH Ave
136 HR Ave

Today got out for a lunch time run and went for 3 loops around the campus trail. Pretty uneventful run until the third lap when i came around a blind corner and almost got ran over by Dan Browne heading at a pretty good clip coming the other direction. The link is to an interview with Dan by Duncan Larkin. If you have the time, you should read the interview and visit Duncan's blog...definitely one of the better blogs out there regardless of what he is writing about.

The rest of the lap I was pretty careful coming around any blind curve because I didn't want to be known as the guy who ended up having a head-on collision with DB. Although in my defense, I was running on the "right" side of the trail.

Wednesday Run Stats
44:45 Total Time
6 miles Total
3 x 2 miles:
156 HR Ave

That's all I got....


Monday, July 03, 2006

Busy Weekend

What a busy weekend! My girly Deb was in town for the long weekend so we spent the time exploring Portland and beyond. She was nice enough to spend a few, 1, 3 hours at the Nike Store on Saturday which allowed me to get in a ride. Since I wasn't planning on being out for a long one, I made sure to ramp up the hill factor and make it a tough ride. I climbed Bald Peak, Unger, Blooming Fern (both ways) before circling on the flats for awhile and heading home....the topper was that it was 90++ the whole time.....nice ride.

Sat Bike Stats
54.5 Miles Total
16.5 MPH Ave
3.25 Hours
145 HR Ave

After dinner, Deb let me slip out again for another workout - what a sweetheart!...or maybe she was tired of me!?! ;-) In any event, I was just glad that it had cooled a bit so ran about 6 miles over a rolling course.

Run Stats
~6 Miles
45 minutes
157 HR Ave

We didn't get in any workouts but spent the day exploring the Pearl District in Portland. Nice to do a little window shopping and definitely got in more then a several miles with all the walking. Portland is a great town to explore on foot...if you ever make it for a visit, bring a comfortable pair of shoes.

I've been wanting to hike the Eagle Creek Trail ever since I've moved here and this seemed like the perfect weekend to give it a go. The link above has some great pics of the trail and the many waterfalls along its route. Deb and I got off to a late start but, thankfully, the high temps didn't end up in the miserable range. We loaded up and hit the Columbia Gorge and got a veiw of some great scenery on the way to the trailhead. We passed the big one, Multnomah Falls, which is visible off the highway...luckily I was able to keep the car on the freeway as I shot a long glance at the falls.

Eagle Creek was awesome...some of the hiking was VERY sketchy though as you skirt the edge of a cliff without any gaurdrail but you have to live on the edge sometimes right!!? Here are some pics from the day....

Not sure when this was taken but must have been early as we were heading into the canyon...alot of coverage on this trail which was nice....didn't have to deal with the sun beating down on us mercilessly for the whole duration....

Is this beautiful or what!?

I think this was the second major waterfall on the hike

After a solid 1.5 hours of sweaty hiking, Deb and I were still smiling (see pics from turnaround point below) should of seen us at the 3 hour mark wasn't all smiles then! ;-) We actually spent alot of time goofing on each other as we seemed to keep stubbing our shoes on any rock that was sticking up out of the trail as we hiked further along...several close calls and late recoveries so nice to report we didn't end up falling down or worse, falling off the trail ledges.......

Deb flashing her beautiful smile.....

Me wishing I had a cold drink...

Strange how I have no problems running for several hours but hiking really kicked my butt today...I'd have to call it a solid aerobic workout.
Also, Oregon is BEAUTIFUL.....don't take nature's gifts for granted people...appreciate the beauty *always*.

Hope you all had a great weekend and Happy Fourth!!

Almost is a link to a couple race pics from The Pacific Crest 1/2 Iron...funny how, in the bike pic, I am almost as white as the snow on the mountains behind me!
