I headed out for a MEGA-brick and it went pretty well. Weather was a bit strange but I 'll take it over the hell-like temps of last week. I headed out with arm / knee warmers and a windvest because of the chill and ended up keeping them on for the duration of the ride. After taking awhile to warm-up I started heading for the hills at Hagg Lake. I wanted to make this a tough workout so the plan was to hit the hills on the bike / run and see if I could hang on.
The ride was pretty uneventful on the way out to Hagg but about a mile before the entrance of the park, I got passed by a paceline of 4-6 riders without nary a word. The guy in the back had the audacity to pass me on a Brand Spankin New BEAUTIFUL Cervelo P3C. I don't get the silent pass...what is wrong with people today....probably the over-trained grouch in me but would it kill people to say hello / wave?? I ended up passing them all as we climbed the first big hill into Hagg Lake as they slowed considerably and turned into the park halway up the hill while I continued chugging up the rest of the hill. I was feeling pretty good so ended up doing 3 turns around Hagg Lake (3 x 10 miles hills / rollies). After I turned out of the park, I hit some wind but it wasn't too bad and decided to head toward Bald Peak. I knew it was going to hurt and be a whole different ballgame climbing it at mile 80 vs. mile 10 into a ride but, again, wanted to go long and hurt.
Hurt I did
I hit a bad patch right before the climb (this point it was mile 81 into the ride) and not sure if the bad patch was just the climb hurting or if I was really not feeling it. In any case, the 4.5 mile climb to the top HURT....I felt like Landis on the day of his spectacular mega-bonk....luckily I never fell over but alot of standing / suffering on the slooooow climb. I was really glad to see the top of that mountain and once I refueled a bit and sucked down some hammergel, I came back to life. I ended up descending down Laurelwood and riding out the back toward Hagg Lake again. I was entertaining the thought of doing one more loop around the hilly lake but decided that I was already hitting some serious mileage so turned it around and hammered home. At this point about 6.25 hrs into the ride and the energy was good. I was able to push it all the way home and rolled in after 7.5 hours in the saddle.
After a quick change into some running gear, I headed out for my run. I was really curious on how it would go. Always nice to head out for a run after a looong bike because it will make any fueling mistakes that you made on the bike painfully evident real soon. I was very lucky in that I seemed to nail the nutrition on_this_ particular_ ride. I didn't have the typical bloated feel that I've suffered thru in several IM races where I was overly cautious about taking in calories (taking too many) and suffered with some stomach issues on the run. I really think the key is to come off the bike a little bit hungry/under-fueled so that you will actually be able to eat / fuel on the run.
After the typical 5 minute baby-step shuffle off the bike, I found my run legs and felt surprisingly good after such a long day. I ended up running 8 miles over an out and back course with headwind and a trip climbing up and over the "3 bitches" on the way back......the hills never seemed that bad before but after such a long day, those hills killed. I ended up averaging 8 min / miles so pretty happy with that...especially after such a long and hilly bike.
Brick Workout Stats
8:34:02 Total Time
130.4 Miles Total
17.4 MPH Ave
136 HR Ave
8.0 Miles
154 HR
I was planning a "longish" ride around 3.5-4 hrs and by the time I was ready to roll out I was VERY SURPRISED to find it pouring outside. Where in the hell did that rain come from!?!? I went upstairs threw on my waterproof jacket and started getting my cyclocross bike ready for the ride since it had fenders on it. Of course, right when I was getting ready to head out again, it stopped raining....aaarghhh!! I ended up grabbing my tri-bike and taking off the jacket and heading out....the roads were wet and I was getting sprayed but it sure beat riding the "rain-bike". The joy was short-lived though because, along with the friggen rain, I hit some serious wind. I mean serious as in pushing a gear into the wind while in your aero-bars at 14-15 mph wind.
After the long day in the saddle Saturday, I just didn't have the strength, mentally, to fight the wind all day so I cut it short and headed home. Heat....Rain....Wind....weather is really doing some strange things up here....
Bike Stats
2:48 Total Time
50.1 Miles
17.9 MPH Ave
123 HR Ave
Now it's time to absorb some of this fitness.....If only I had an extra month of training before IMC...where do the days go!?!
Breathe Deep