Sunday, May 06, 2007

Miles To Go Before I Sleep

Regardless of how hard my job/work tried to derail my training this week, I was able to hammer it out. I did have to juggle some sessions and end up doing a couple in a sequence that was less then optimal but such is life. My goal was to make sure I was able to hit the key workout for the week (Saturday 6 hr HILLY brick - 5.5 ride / .5 run) as fresh as possible so the fact that I was starting my 1.5hr run on Friday at 7:10pm was not a good sign! I haven't eaten a ton of red meat lately and figured I'd need the boost so ate a big steak, post-run, at 10pm. I'm sure it came in handy on Saturday! ;-)

Steven and I started out early Saturday and thank god I checked the forecast because the temps were FREEEZING and were going to stay that way for most of the day. No rain though so that was a plus. We went hill hunting again and bagged a ton of nice ones. The looong seated climbs, the rolling grinders, the 16% grade out-of-saddle A$$ kicker, the extended out-of-saddle, out-of-breath killers...we had it all.

...and it was beautiful....

Still working on the fueling / hydration and drank 5+ bottles, 2 clif bars, 10 fig newtons. I was able to run ok after all that food although I felt dizzy a couple times. Not sure what that was about but I'm thinking that might be an electrolyte issue? I'm using a straight Maltodextrin / Cytomax blend which is sorely lacking in the electrolyte department so plan on purchasing some salt/electrolyte tabs shortly.

Saturday Brick
5.5 Hours
84.4 HILLY miles

33 Minutes?
4.3 Miles
7:40'ish pace

Sunday warmed up considerably and I had a 2.5 hour flat ride scheduled with a 1.25 swim later in the day. My actual workout was a bit different to say the least. About 30 minutes into the ride, a gal rode up next to me and we got to chatting. She also works at Nike (small world eh?) and does triathlon although she stated that she hasn't done Ironmans in 5 years due to how busy she is with kids/family. I was wearing a Bike Barn jersey which she recognized from doing Ironman Canada. She did the race twice, podiumed / Kona qualified twice. Pretty darn impressive. We ended up riding around Hagg Lake and continued around the back side of Bald Peak which was a nice extended climb .

(Steven**- not sure if you've done this route but on the way back from Hagg and over the railroad tracks, you go right back toward laurelwood vs. left toward blooming fern when you hit the T. You continue going straight pass the left turnoff for Laurelwood and head up around the back of Bald Peak- nice route).

Sunday Ride
4.5 Hours
75 Miles

So much for the flat day but nice to have company out there and get in some extra mileage. I didn't make it back in time for the swim since the Nike pool closes at 4:30pm on Sunday (yeah, a late start today) but figure the bike volume would make up for the extra swim.

IMC Training Week 17
22.5 TOTAL Hours
Swim 3.0 Hrs
(9,250 Yrds - 3 swims. Swim yardage was a bit lacking this week with the swap of a longer bike for a swim on Sunday. Will focus on hitting four swims next week. I did get in some longer sets 1 x 2K, 1 x 3K during the week)
Bike 14.25 Hrs
(224.4 Miles - 5 rides, again, with a major emphasis on hills. Bike endurance is coming around nicely. I will continue to focus on the nutrition / hydration aspect. Looking foward to hopefully take out the tribike next weekend! 159.4 road miles / 65 Computrainer)
Run 3.75 Hrs
(28.3 Miles - 4 runs including 1 off the bike. Left Heel is still sore but the right achilles pain has disappeared (good thing!). My motivation for running is lacking a bit- evident in my mileage numbers. Will work on turning this around.)
Weights 1.5 Hrs
(2 x 45min sessions of low weight / hi-rep AA sessions. These sessions were not bad this week, not sure how much benefit they are providing but will continue to hammer out two sessions a week)

Next week and beyond is looking good based on a 10 day weather forecast without any rain! *smile*

Thanks for reading and for the continued inspiration!



Blogger Spokane Al said...

Great, monster week! You guys, with your skills, endurance and strengths, are inspiring and amazing.

6:50 AM  
Blogger Steven said...

Another hilly climb Sunday after our suffer-fest Saturday?! You're an animal. Or maybe crazy. Or most likely both.

I think that backside Bald Peak climb is the one the first Lance Ride did, yes? You'll need to take lead next time out and let's hit that one again.

Where's the tri-bike update!!??

9:57 AM  
Blogger Nic said...

Hey Mike - Awesome workouts. Glad you've had some cool temps - it's hot as HELL down in Cali! Even in SF - it's almost 90 today.

I have a good new motivational phrase for you if you ever need one: Fear Less. Live More.

Not that you need that reminder, at all, but it's a nice mantra for when the going gets tough. Keep it up!

1:33 PM  
Blogger Cliff said...


5.5 hr bike + run on Sat plus a 4 hr bike on Sun??

U are giving me many painful ways to train :)

3:25 PM  
Blogger Darren said...

Ahhh.. you're making me proud brother Mike! Another good week. Our volumes are similar, perhaps a little International competition is in order? :)

A side note. Have you considered going the Infinit route? You can customize your own formulas. ie salt content, calories etc.. At least then you have everything you need in one shot and don't have to worry about salt tabs etc.
Cheers bro!

5:27 PM  
Blogger Olga said...

That's a lot of riding, my butt would hurt:) Good going for IM!

7:21 PM  
Blogger Crash said...

You need to send some of that Mojo my way!...struggling to maintain the tempo out here.

9:14 PM  
Blogger Jeremy said...

What a monster week of training! Keep crankin'.

5:04 AM  
Blogger Tammy said...

Solid! I see why you and Steven are friends ;)

Did you guys have the same weather yesterday that we did?? Wow. Wow. Wow. And it's supposed to last ALL WEEK!! All the way up to and beyond my half-mary. woohoo :)

6:40 AM  
Blogger Matt said...

Wow, great training! This will give me some extra motivation to get out and run - especially when work and life get really busy!

7:07 PM  

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