Sunday, April 29, 2007

Talk About The Passion

After threatening rain this weekend, I'm happy to report that it ended up being a beautiful weekend. At times, a bit too chilly / windy / hilly but I was loving every minute of it!

The Saturday ride ended up being a serious climbfest with Steven- when he gets that glazed look in his eye and starts mumbling about hitting hills, I know it is going to be *ON*. Let's just say he didn't disappoint in that regard- ouch! When we weren't going up, we were dealing with wind but got a slight reprieve as the last 45 minutes to his house wasn't too bad. My inaugural run off the bike started off very ugly- the first mile came in a hair under 8 min/mile but then the legs came around and we cranked out the remaining 3.3miles to bring the ave pace down to 7:21/mile. This ride was also a nice test of my new hydration / fueling goal to down at least one bottle an hour. We did 5 hrs and I drank 5 bottles (350 cal/bottle). I also ate 1.5 Cliff Bars and finished the ride feeling pretty strong. It was nice to finish a long workout without any dehydration issues. I typically end up losing 4-5lbs on a long ride *NOT GOOD* which can really foul up recovery, post-ride so i will be pushing the hydration hard. I don't think calories have been an issue but the hydration needs some serious work (especially while racing) so I'll have to apologize in advance for all the extra bathroom pit-stops Steven!

Sunday I met Tom and Jessi at Hagg Lake for an "easy" 2 loops around the lake with Jessi. It was a nice mix of easy / steady work- she did a monster workout the day before but was still throwing down the hammer at times. It's all good though, it kept me on my toes! I really think it's hard not to "push" on a tribike...I'll need to remember that when I finally get mine on the road. We ran a hilly 6 miles off the bike and finished the last 2.5 miles together. I was able to run a 7:37 pace over some pretty solid hills for the first 3 miles which was a plus after the killer workout the day before.

The body is holding up well after a big week. I had 20 hrs scheduled but came in at 22.25 hrs because of some extra time that popped up in my schedule Friday. The only "new" issue is a sore right achilles along with my continuing issue with my left heel - will need to monitor it.

Week 18
22.25 TOTAL Hours
Swim 3.5 Hrs
(11,500 Yrds - 4 swims. I should have hit 14K but I got to the pool late today and only had 30min so got in 1.5K in 24min. Focusing on 500 / 1000 yrd repeats)
Bike 13.0 Hrs
(200 Miles - 5 rides focusing on HILLS via road or Computrainer right now - was able to get in 2 additional hours on the bike vs. the schedule. 155 road miles / 45 CT)
Run 4.25 Hrs
(33.3 Miles - 6 runs including 2 off the bike. Left Heel is still sore, will continue to nurse it. Also, will keep an eye on my right achilles- darn feet!)
Weights 1.5 Hrs
(2 x 45min sessions of low weight / hi-rep AA sessions. These sessions wrecked me! Looking for this to get better as my body adapts)

That's all I've got. I've had a pretty good endorphin high all week and looking forward to taking another pull next week to the tune of 22.5 hrs. Hopefully all goes as planned.

I hope you are all out there feeding your passions and counting your blessings! Thanks for reading.



Blogger Donald said...

Way to rock that big week, Mike. Cool REM title.

2:58 AM  
Blogger Steven said...

Way fun ride Saturday, Dude. The hills are what will make us faster and stronger, right? At least that is what I always try to tell myself.

Except when I'm cursing myself while riding up the actual hill.

Lastly...I see Laurelwood in our future...very near future...from the bottom to the top this time...

Forewarned is forearmed.

1:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Mike, I had fun training with you this weekend! Thanks for slowing down to run with me. :)

3:12 PM  
Blogger Spokane Al said...

Wow - wait to jump right into the deep end of things with your training load.

6:18 PM  
Blogger JeffM said...

Wow is right. That's a good week of training! Back to back bricks at that.

12:41 AM  
Blogger Cliff said...


My jaw dropped looking at those volume. Sweet ;)

8:27 AM  
Blogger Jason The Running Man said...

Great job on the workouts! Thanks for posting your hydration methods, I need all the advice I can get in that department!

8:51 AM  
Blogger momo said...

sounds like a solidly good week, mike. yea, my training partners sometimes get that look in their eyes, too, that's why i know i just need to hang on for dear life!

9:58 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Great training, Mike. Sounds like you're in full swing again.

4:32 PM  
Blogger Darrell said...

What an amazing week, inspiring as always.

We had perfect weather down in Eugene. I'll get to the report eventually.

12:40 PM  
Blogger Dances with Corgis said...

"I hope you are all out there feeding your passions and counting your blessings!" What a sign off!

Your ride sounds burly... in a good way. You are getting some solid training in, my friend!

2:18 PM  
Blogger Nic said...

Mike, I loved that sign-off too. I haven't been feeding my passions enough, but this past week has been pretty wonderful for me. I'm getting back on track. Thanks for the great reminder of how good it can and should be.

9:55 PM  
Blogger Crash said...

impressive...most impressive.

coming off the marathon with those are quite the stud.

11:29 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

Hi Mike - just checking in - great read about your training. Keep up the great work.

7:10 AM  
Blogger Darren said...

A wicked week Mike! Keep ramping up that bike mileage and I bet you'll see a serious PB at IMC this year.
BTW, love the triathlon passion posts, it seems there is no shortage of passion amongst our fellow tri-wienies! Cheers bro.

5:54 AM  

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