Sunday, May 27, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

I made it through a pretty solid week without too much damage except for a sore foot. I put the holiday weekend to good use by getting in some extra bike volume and I'm happy to report that the weather actually cooperated *translation, no rain* even though it was pretty darn cloudy at times.

Since Steven was out of town, I hammered out a solitary long ride on Saturday. Overall, very good ride, aero is getting more comfortable and bike feels solid on the flats as well as climbing. I hit the big bumps (Bald Peak) as well as the speed bumps (3 x Hagg Lake loop) to get in a pretty hilly ride.

Saturday Bike
106.1 Miles
6.0 Hours

I was planning to take it easy on Sunday since Steven and I were going to be riding on Monday. I decided to keep the ride fairly flat but the wind was really whipping out there so I was forced to push more then I wanted. I still took it around Hagg Lake once since it is really hard to keep it flat around here. Whenever I wasn't going up, it seemed like I had to deal with a wall of wind. I was really glad to get off the bike! I went for a transition run and was keeping my fingers crossed since my PF flared up again in my right foot (yes, the other foot now too)! Major suckage! The run wasn't too bad and the pain in my right foot was much better then it was Friday / Saturday so that was a plus.

Sunday Bike
71.3 Miles
4.0 Hours

Transition Run
5 Miles

I was definitely feeling it a bit in the legs today after two solid days of riding but dragged myself to Steven's house for some more self-inflicted abuse. Steven and I headed into the hills straight outta the gate and got more then our fair share of climbing. We started with Unger and I knew it was going to be a long day due to my percieved effort on this out-of-the-saddle grinder . I can't imagine the hill got steeper since the last time I rode it but it sure felt like it! We then decided to follow a portion of the 05 LiveStrong ride and it was nothing but HILLS. BEAUTIFUL hills though...definitely a route that opens your eyes to the beauty that surrounds us up here! We also climbed up the backside of Bald Peak and were treated to some awesome vistas from the ridgeline...definitely a day to have a camera in your back pocket but sorry to say I didn't have mine. *sigh* Our mileage (or lack thereof) really gives an indication of the amount of vertical we hit today. I'd guess that we spent over 3 hours climbing today. My legs were toast but I had to deal with Steven rambling about the transition run and how it was going to "be great". If you can't beat'em, join'em right!? We got it done though so another solid block and a boost of extra volume to start the new week.

Monday Bike
72 Miles?
4.8 miles

Steven's awesome wife had thrown a pizza in the oven (their kitchen is awesome, btw) for lunch and gave me an invite but I had to look the other way and leave since I was going to try to make it to the Nike pool to get in a swim a bit later before they closed. If you know how much I love pizza, you can imagine how difficult this was. I only shed a couple tears though. ;-)

I made it to the gym with 45 minutes to spare and banged out a quick workout.
45 minutes
1 x 2500
My legs felt great, post-swim, so glad I forced myself to hit the gym!

Now the weekly stats for last week.
IMC Training Week 14
23.75 TOTAL Hours
Swim 2.75 Hrs

(9,000 Yrds - 3 swims. Swim volume still needs work. I have a very hard time choosing to go for a swim vs. cycling on the weekend but will have to bite the bullet since my bike volume is pretty steady.)
Bike 15.0 Hrs
(262.4 Miles - 5 rides. I love my tri-bike! I'm finally getting the position dialed in and it is feeling much more comfortable in the aero position vs. last week. Still focusing on getting in the hills. Did Richter pass on the computrainer several times and hit the usual big bumps around town here. 215.4 road miles / 47 Computrainer)
Run 4.5 Hrs
(36.9 Miles - 4 runs including 1 off the bike. Getting frustrated with my PF issues. While the left heel hasn't changed, my right heel flared up post-run Friday!! It was pretty sore just walking around Friday / Saturday with even some pain while cycling Saturday. It seemed to be a bit better on Sunday so I ran 5 miles off the bike and it actually wasn't too bad so keeping my fingers crossed here. Aaah, just when I was starting to get my "run legs" back!)
Weights 1.5 Hrs
(2 x 45min sessions. Increasing the poundage but still sticking to a weight that I can do higher reps of 15-20. I'm loving the weight sessions!! *NOT* I'm sticking to the schedule though.)

Last, but definitely not least, let's all take a few minutes to give thanks this Memorial Day to those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in defending our country. Also, we need to continue supporting and giving thanks to our current troops. I have a nephew in Iraq right now and he is just a kid so it definitely hits close to home. Scary times indeed.

Hope you all had a relaxing and safe weekend!



Blogger Spokane Al said...

You guys continue to put in massive miles and hours. Great job. That hill work is awesome as well. I find the more I do hills the more I like them.

Keep up the great training and writing.

6:34 AM  
Blogger Darrell said...

It's going to be hard to get the PF under control when you are in the middle of IM training, isn't it?

Almost 3 full 8 hour work days worth of work outs is just amazing.

I've been following your advice (I actually recalled it from your bout earlier) and have been wearing shoes everywhere. I miss the sandals with the summer weather, but they aren't worth the pain.

7:17 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Isn't it so cool to be able to ride hills whenever you want? I can't imagine living in FL or somewhere equally flat. Boring!

10:00 AM  
Blogger Jeremy said...

Unbelievable training! Really unbelievable!

10:52 AM  
Blogger Donald said...

I'm so envious of your bike mileage! I just can't get myself to 100 yet - it's so hard to find the time.

Keep rocking that training!

2:45 PM  
Blogger Darren said...

Solid week brother Mike. I'm envious that you have training partner that appears to be just as crazy as you. :)
Carry on..

3:18 PM  
Blogger Crash said...

oh snap! serious mileage dude.

3:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That's some serious training, Mike. Keep pounding it out.

6:45 PM  

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